Open E-resources

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Provides comprehensive data and original analysis, with coverage of almost every economy in the world

African Journals Online (AJOL)

African Journals Online (AJOL) is a collection of over 380 peer-reviewed, African-published scholar

Open Access Africa

Open access for Africa is a search engine that filters your search to prioritize results from open access

Journal 4 Free

Health Sciences, Biology, and Life Sciences, Technology and Engineering, Agriculture, Animal Sciences


22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books

Kenya Law Reports

Official Law reports of Kenya and the Kenya Gazette

Kenya Data Initiative

This site makes public government data accessible to the people of Kenya. Access national census data

Free Medical Journals

Medical, Biology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, Genetics Microbiology, Neurology,

Book Boon

Economics, statistics, IT, engineering, and natural science

Directory of Open Access Repository

List of world repositories archiving scholarly materials and peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary

Public Library of Science

Publisher of several open access journals in medicine e.g. PLOS One, PLOS Genetics, etc

World Digital Library

World Digital Library makes it possible to discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures from around

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository – OKR

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository – OKR is the World Bank’s official open access repository. OK

The World Banks Open Data Initiative

The World Banks Open Data Initiative is providing free access to its comprehensive set of data online

Open Research Online

Open Research Online is the UK Open University’s repository of research publications and other research

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources

Highwire Press

Highwire Press (Stanford University) facilitates access to 1.9 million full-text articles mainly in


IDEAS is a large bibliographic database dedicated to economics and finance research available freely


Print and online publications from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada including health and social care, education, and engineering.

Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ

Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific


OAIster is a catalog of millions of online records harvested from free collections worldwide.


OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and

National Academies Press

The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the publications of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine:

Journals, Working Papers & Conferences in Business Studies and Economics

With EconBiz you search for scholarly literature quickly and professionally